How to choose auto body frame machine correctly?
How to choose auto body frame machine correctly?
Keywords: auto body frame machine,auto body alignment bench,car bench,portable frame machine,frame machine
auto body frame machine
Auto body frame machine is used for alignment car body,body alignment is the process which recover damaged part of the car by collision to when out of factory car. It will connect with the funtionand lifespan after repaired.So it is one knowledge how to choose frame machine.
1.Main Clamp will located and fastening the car quickly
2.round type hydraulic pulling tower is 360degree working , freedomly. oil pump vertical working,without any component of consumption , powerful,correctly.
3.Hydraulic system,powerful,long lifespan ,lower failture rate.
4.Unniversal measuring system could do 3D positioning measurement, using conveniently, Precisionly.
5.With Latest data manual for every car series.
6.Highly strong pulling tools.
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Welcome to contact AUTENF auto body frame machine